12 September 2013

Ups (meaning oops) is a construction term in Spanish

Atlas Obscura has an article about a nuke, unfinished:
In 1976, Communist companions Cuba and the Soviet Union signed a deal to build a nuclear power plant in Juraqua, Cuba. Construction on the first of two nuclear reactors began in 1983, with a target operational date of 1993. But, a few years before the reactor's scheduled completion, the USSR collapsed. The flow of crucial Soviet funds ceased, three hundred Russian technicians went home, and Cuba was forced to suspend construction on its badly needed power plant.
Lacking nuclear fuel and without the primary components installed, the plant sat in limbo until December of 2000, when Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a visit to Cuba. Putin offered Fidel Castro a belated $800 million to finish the first reactor. Despite Cuba's reliance on imported oil for power, Castro declined. Project status: officially abandoned.
The unfinished plant, a huge, domed concrete structure, sits on the Caribbean coast, across the bay from the city of Cienfuegos.
Rico says it will not be on his gotta-visit list if he gets to go to Cuba in 2015...

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