27 September 2013

Those who fail to remember history...

...dress up in funny clothes, as The Associated Press reports:
The Ku Klux Klan has been granted a permit to hold an event at Gettysburg National Military Park. Park officials say the special-use permit was approved for a Maryland-based KKK group to exercise its First Amendment rights on 5 October 2013. The afternoon event will be held on the lawn area north of the site of General George Meade's headquarters.
Officials say the park has a responsibility to make that land available for citizens to exercise their right to freedom of speech, even if the views expressed are contrary to those of most Americans.
The group held a membership rally earlier this month at the Antietam National Battlefield near Sharpsburg, Maryland, where thousands of people died in a Civil War clash that set the stage for the Emancipation Proclamation.
Rico says that, since there likely won't be many of these idiots showing up for this, maybe it's time for a bunch of Civil War reenactors (especially black ones) to portray a little modern 'eat lead, motherfuckers' for them...

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