10 September 2013

Not nice

Esther Lee has a Philly.com article about a really unhappy young woman:
Donna Micheletti was on the phone with her late daughter, Gia Allemand, as the reality television star attempted to take her own life by hanging herself on 12 August 2013, a fact that was revealed by Micheletti in an interview set to air on Dr. Phil this week. Micheletti told Dr. Phil that she believes her daughter called her as she hanged herself in her New Orleans apartment, because "I'm the closest person in the world to her, and she didn't want to be alone when she left this world," adding, "she wanted Mommy to be there, I guess." The heartbreaking interview with Micheletti also includes the mother's tumultuous journey after her daughter's death. "It destroys me, but if it made her feel better then that's fine," she says tearfully of her daughter. "I'm really mad that she did this for no reason," she continues. "In twelve hours it would have been fine. I'm really angry."
On 14 August, Allemand died after spending two days on life support in a New Orleans hospital. She was found unconscious by her boyfriend, NBA Pelicans player Ryan Anderson, in their apartment on 12 August, with a vacuum cleaner cord "wrapped around her neck many times", according to a police report. Anderson performed CPR on Allemand, and she was later rushed to a nearby hospital. The police report also revealed that the two had argued hours before, over Allemand's suspicions that Anderson had been unfaithful. During the course of the argument, Anderson told Allemand he no longer loved her. The show segment also includes an interview with Jake Pavelka, who was the Bachelor of Allemand's season, where the vivacious, young talent was one of three finalists. 35-year-old Pavelka told Dr. Phil that "Gia really understood me. We got really close after the show. We had such a special relationship. I can't tell you how lucky I feel that I knew her, but I wish it was not for such a short time, because I've never met anybody like her."
Rico says you're young, you're pretty, you're on television, and you make your mother listen while you strangle yourself... Gotta be pissed off.

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