26 September 2013

Movie reviews for the (long) day

Rico says he and the ladyfriend watched three movies and a television show on the plane coming back from Amsterdam:
The Internship, starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, along with Helen Mirren.
Since Rico went to the bathroom at the end of The Internship, he missed the transition to Hitchcock, also starring Helen Mirren, along with Anthony Hopkins in an almost-invisible role as the director.
Night at the Museum, starring Ben Stiller, along with Owen Wilson as a tiny (you gotta see it to understand) cowboy.
Chicago Fire, a television show Rico didn't recognize, which starred a lot of studly young guys, as well as David Eigenberg (photo, below; no relation to Rico's college girlfriend), whom Rico finally did recognize, from his work on Sex and the City, The Practice, and ER.

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