12 September 2013

Oops is, yet again, a political term

People hate getting caught, but Evan McMorris-Santoro has the story at BuzzFeed:
The Democratic party’s top recruit for the Senate race in Montana has a Facebook problem. Either he’s dangerously clumsy with the site’s iPhone app, or he recently let the world know how much he appreciates breasts.
A screengrab (photo, above) captured by a Republican operative with interest in the 2014 Senate race shows Democratic Lieutenant Governor John Walsh— whom national Democrats are hoping will jump into the Senate race soon— “liked” a Facebook profile featuring pictures of women’s breasts on Facebook around 9:45 p.m. on 19 August 2013. The name of the account is Breasts.Proof men can multitask2.
Walsh’s Facebook profile disappeared sometime later, before reappearing later with the “like” deleted. Walsh’s likes now include the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the National Guard, various Montana Democrats, and The Second Amendment Keeps Us Free. There’s no mention of breasts.
Walsh has access to the page, and engages with Facebook through his iPhone. A senior Montana Democrat close to Walsh said the “like” was a mistake on Walsh’s part.
“This was spam and an unintentional accident. Once the Lieutenant Governor knew that it had happened it was immediately removed from the page,” said the Democrat. “It looks like Republicans are so fearful of John Walsh running for Senate that they’re attacking a war hero with spam. That’s the best they got?”
Walsh has not announced his plans on the Senate race, but he’s a top recruit for the DSCC after former Governor Brian Schweitzer, who Democrats hoped would run, decided against a bid. The DSCC hopes to hold onto to the seat in what’s expected to be a tough race for Democrats.
Rico says he'd vote for a guy who likes breasts, but not in Montana, apparently...

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