09 September 2013

Apple’s event

Harry McCracken has a Time article with a link to his coverage of the iPhone event, for those who can't possibly get enough iPhone news:
On Tuesday, 10 September at 10am Pacific Time, Apple will be holding a media event at its Cupertino, California campus. Without making predictions, I will say this:
It seems a given that it will involve the next iPhone, supposedly with a fingerprint scanner.
Apparently, there will be a gold iPhone.
A lot of people think that there will also be a “cheap iPhone”— a model designed to sell in a price range to make it a plausible choice for folks who don’t sign up for a contract and therefore receive no subsidy.
All Things D’s Peter Kafka, a reliable reporter, says that rumors of a new Apple TV box are wrong, but there will be a software update for the current model.
As far as I know, nobody whose sources or instincts I trust is expecting the event to involve any blockbuster announcements, like a television set or a smartwatch. But smaller surprises wouldn’t be all that, well, surprising.
I’ll be in the audience in Cupertino and, as usual, will liveblog the news as I learn it, with help from my colleague Doug Aamoth. It’ll happen right here, so bookmark this page. See you on Tuesday and, in the meantime, if you’ve got any thoughts about what Apple will announce, or should announce, I’d love to hear them in the comments.
Rico says he won't be watching...

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