07 September 2013

Another international scam for the day

Rico says he has no idea what they're up to here, but he's ignoring them...

-----Original Message-----
From: "Sanjit Chakrabortty" <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Sent: Saturday, 7 September, 2013 05:50

Dear Webmaster,

We received a notice from Google stating that they have levied a penalty on our website as they "detected unnatural links" redirecting to our website holidayiq.com.
The only way we can remove this penalty and help Google reconsider putting our website back in their index is by removing these links and we need your help for the same. We request you to consider this request on high priority.


We would again like to bring your notice that failure to remove these links would require us to file a "Disavow Links" report with Google  Once we submit this report to Google  they may "flag" your site as "spammy" or otherwise if anything is not in compliance with their guidelines. The last thing we want is to have another webmaster go through this grief!
Your cooperation in this process would be deeply appreciated. We kindly request you to send us an acknowledgement of this mail along with a confirmation that these links have been removed.
Thanks a lot for your help.

If you want to reach out to us mail us on pradeep@holidayiq.com or contact on +91-8197849852



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