18 September 2013

Ship is now upright

Katie Harris has a Time article about the Costa Concordia:
Engineers in Italy have succeeded in setting the cruise ship Costa Concordia upright, twenty months after it capsized off the island of Giglio, reports the BBC.
In the complicated, nineteen-hour operation to wrench the ship from its side– which took all of one day and most of the night– engineers used cables and metal water tanks to roll the ship onto a platform, said the BBC. The ship was declared completely upright at 4 am local time.
The submerged side of the ship suffered significant damage after twenty months of bearing the weight of the rest of the ship and the operation to right it, officials said, according to the Independent. The operation to rotate the ship– known as parbuckling in nautical terms– was expected to take no more than twelve hours, but dragged on after some initial delays and maintenance to the large system of steel chains and winches, reported the Independent.
While parbuckling is a standard operation to right capsized ships, it has never before been used on such a huge cruise liner, says the Independent. And it came with a cost to match the feat: the eight hundred million dollar price tag for recovery will be footed by the cruise line Costa Crociere.
“I think the whole team is proud of what they achieved because a lot of people didn’t think it could be done,” said salvage master Nick Sloane, according to the BBC.
The Costa Concordia capsized on 13 January 2012, after the captain brought it too close to shore. More than thirty people were killed, and two of the bodies have never been recovered. Five people have been convicted of manslaughter over the disaster and the ship’s captain, Francesco Schettino, is currently on trial, accused of manslaughter and abandoning ship, reports the BBC.
Rico says they should (but they won't) rename her the Fuque de Clusteur...

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