12 September 2013

Burning Man, 2013

Rico says it's been a long time since he was there, but nice to see it still happening:
Peter Weber has an article about the event at The Week.com:
When most people think of drones, they probably think of remote-fired missiles raining down on Pakistan and Yemen. But it turns out that drones— or, technically, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)— are also a pretty good platform for capturing a flavor of Burning Man, the surreal celebration of fleeting beauty, self-reliance, generosity, and elaborate self-expression held every year in Nevada's Black Rock Desert.
If, like me, you've never been to Burning Man— or, like Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, you just helicopter in for one day of the weeklong festival — these drone's-eye views of the big party in the desert are certainly a better introduction than the photos on your friend's smartphone or Instagram page. If you are a Burning Man regular, here's a different way to relive the magic.
The video above was taken by Eddie Codel from a DJI Phantom quadcopter UAV. The one below was captured by Tugrik d'Itichi from a TBS Discovery Pro quadrotor. Both UAVs held GoPro Hero3 cameras.

For more of an on-the-ground look at Burning Man, here is a time-lapse video of five of the installations, including the eponymous Man burned on the final Saturday, 31 August 2013:

See a photo of the Man on fire here, or read a first-person account, from Wells Tower in GQ, of experiencing Burning Man with a 69-year-old father. Finally, here's a look inside just one structure, the Temple of Whollyness, which was burned to the ground late on 1 September 2013:

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