25 September 2013

Another angry man with a gub

Denver Nicks has a Time article about the shooter in the Navy Yard:
Closed-circuit video cameras in the Navy Yard complex caught gunman Aaron Alexis prowling through the halls during his shooting rampage on 16 September 2013. Alexis, 34, is seen (above) brandishing a sawed-off Remington 870 shotgun as he walks through the complex in the edited video clips released by the FBI. The video features no instances of the weapon actually being fired. He was later killed in a shootout with police after killing twelve.
In a press conference, the FBI revealed a timeline of Alexis’ actions that morning:
7:53 am– Alexis’ rental car, a blue Toyota Prius with New York plates, entered Parking Garage 28 at the Washington Navy Yard, located directly across from Building 197.
8:08 am– Alexis exited Parking Garage 28 on foot carrying a backpack. Alexis entered Building 197 and proceeded to the elevator.
8:09 am– Alexis exited the elevator on the fourth floor and entered the men’s bathroom carrying a backpack and a clipboard.
8:15 am– Alexis crossed the hallway into the 4 West area of Building 197 with the shotgun, but without the backpack or a clipboard.
8:16 am– Alexis shot his first victim in the 4 West area of Building 197.
8:17 am– The first 911 call is received from the fourth floor of Building 197.
8:20 am– Alexis left the fourth floor using the stairs and entered the third floor.
8:28 am– Alexis appeared on the first floor.
8:57 am– Alexis returned to the third floor.
9:25 am– Law enforcement shoots and kills Alexis on the third floor.
Rico says that, as ever, we get to the guy too late...

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