28 August 2013

Movie review for the day

Rico says he'd heard about this movie, and knew what it was about, so he was amused when he and the ladyfriend sat down to watch it:
Hysteria, the truth of how Mortimer Granville devised the invention of the first vibrator in the name of medical science.
It stars Hugh Dancy (photo, right) as Mortimer GranvilleRupert Everett as his benefactor, dabbler in things electrical, and co-inventor of the 'Portable Electric Massager'Edmund St. John*-Smythe, Jonathan Pryce (photo, center) as Dr. Robert Dalrymple, Granville's teacher in the art of relieving 'women's problems', Felicity Jones (photo, left) as Dr. Dalrymple's 'acceptable' daughter, Maggie Gyllenhaal (at left in the poster at top) as Dr. Dalrymple's 'difficult' daughter, and a bunch of other typically eccentric English actors as staff, patients, and court officers.
Rico says he found it interesting and amusing, though it did not lead, alas, to a local trial of Granville's invention...
(*Rico learned, many years back, from a rotund Palo Altan of that name who was Rico's landlord at the time, that it's pronounced Sin-Jin, as it is in the movie...)

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