29 August 2013

Idiot (again) for the day

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about Kim Jong-Un:
Let's begin with a disclaimer right up front: like any story coming out of North Korea, we're about to be dealing with unconfirmed reports and unnamed sources. Ultimately, few people know exactly what happens within the borders of the Hermit Kingdom, which I suppose is why we call it that. So while the latest rumors coming out of Asia are impossible to resist, let us proceed with caution. (With that in mind notice how many times everyone has to drop an "allegedly", "reportedly", or "apparently", etc. to advance the story.)
South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo grabbed the Internet's attention this morning with a loosely-sourced report that a female pop star long rumored to be the former lover of Kim Jong-un (photo, at right) was among a dozen political dissidents who were executed by a firing squad last week. Their crime: allegedly filming and distributing pornographic videos of themselves.
The paper, citing unnamed sources in China, reports that singer Hyon Song-wol and eleven other entertainers were arrested on 17 August 2013 for violating North Korea's laws against pornography, and were executed in public three days later. The report also adds that the families of the executed were forced to watch, and "appear to have been sent to prison camps under North Korea's barbaric principle of guilt by association".
According to long-swirling rumors, Hyon and Kim became romantically involved about a decade ago, but Kim was forced to end things by his father, the late Kim Jong-il. Hyon, however, continued on in her high-profile position as a singer in the Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble, eventually becoming something of a minor Internet sensation after a video for the pro-worker anthem Excellent Horse-Like Lady turned up online. Her band, according to the  Telegraph, was also responsible for such classics as: Footsteps of Soldiers, I Love Pyongyang, She is a Discharged Soldier, and We are Troops of the Party.
In case this story wasn't sensational enough for you, the Telegraph speculates that Kim's current wife, who was also a popular singer prior to marrying him, may have "objected to the continuing high profile of her husband's former girlfriend", and pushed for the execution.
Of course, this wouldn't be the first time that an unbelievable story out of North Korea proves to be just that. So given everything we don't know, let's end with the one thing we do: here is Hyon Song-wol performing Excellent Horse-Like Lady:

Rico says that She is a Discharged Soldier is undoubtedly a toe-tapper...

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