26 August 2013

A Nazi still alive, and local

Aubrey Whelan has an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about a Nazi:
Theodor Szehinskyj (photo) should have left the country long ago, Federal officials say. It's been years since he lost his last deportation appeal, and it's been more than a decade since he was ordered out in the first place, accused of serving as a guard at Nazi concentration camps in Germany, Poland, and his native Ukraine. He remains under "a final order of removal", the Justice Department said recently, and an organization that attempts to hunt down alleged Nazi war criminals recently placed him on its "most wanted" list. But Szehinskyj, stripped of citizenship and pushing ninety, evidently has remained in the country simply because no other country wants him. His last listed address was at a modest apartment complex in West Chester. "He's a classic case of an individual against whom the US has exhausted all legal options," said Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Israel office and coordinator of its research on Nazi war crimes.
It's unclear exactly where Szehinskyj is these days. Neighbors say he hasn't lived at his last listed address for at least four years. And the lawyer who represented him at his deportation hearings thirteen years ago didn't return several calls for comment. Zuroff said Szehinskyj could be sent to Germany, Poland, or the Ukraine and tried for war crimes. In 2000, Justice Department lawyers produced documents from the Waffen-SS Death's Head Battalion describing a death camp guard with Szehinskyj's name and other identifying details. At the time, Szehinskyj denied the accusations, but he was eventually ordered deported. That, Zuroff said, is where prosecutions against ex-Nazis tend to hit a wall. Officials in other countries don't want them. "It's bad publicity," he said. "If you take him back to the Ukraine, it'll focus the public's attention on the fact that Ukrainians collaborated with Nazis. That's the last thing they want to do." The Associated Press has identified ten accused Nazis who had never left the United States. Four of those ten are still alive, including Szehinskyj. The Justice Department is still involved in prosecuting accused Nazis, although, Zuroff said, it's impossible to tell how many are still out there. As recently as 2011, a judge upheld a deportation order against a Detroit-area man accused of shooting Jews as a member of the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police in Lviv in the Ukraine. Organizations such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center keep tabs on individuals around the world who have been accused of Nazi war crimes; this year, Szehinskyj made the center's most-wanted list. Over the last twelve years, 99 convictions for Nazi war crimes have been handed down and 89 indictments filed around the world, according to the center's annual report. "There's general ignorance about this issue," Zuroff said, mainly because the public believes most of the accused must be dead by now. "But advances of modern medicine apply to Nazi war criminals as well," he said. He's still confident those responsible for World War Two-era atrocities can be found and put on trial, and hopes Operation Last Chance, an initiative sponsored in part by the Wiesenthal Center that offers financial rewards for turning in ex-Nazis, will raise public awareness. But, Zuroff said, time is running out. Six of the ten men ordered deported over Nazi war crimes died before the United States could send them away. "It's a travesty of justice," he said.
Rico says he is amazed that any Nazis are still alive, much less living here...

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