17 July 2013

Asiana won't sue after all

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about the Asiana crash:
Looks like Asiana Airlines will not sue KTVU after all. Here's the airline's statement:
Asiana Airlines had intended to pursue legal action for a regrettable report on 12 July made by local San Francisco Bay Area broadcasting station KTVU. The report referred to the names of the pilots by using racially charged epithets. It profoundly disparaged Asiana, its employees, and all Asians. Asiana deplores the hateful words of the broadcast.
Asiana Airlines, however, has decided to not pursue legal action as a result of a public apology by KTVU for the report in question and its determination to keep all of its resources dedicated to caring for the passengers and family members of Asiana flight 214 and supporting the investigation into the cause of the accident.
It's unclear if the company execs had a change of heart, or if the original threat of a lawsuit was just to prove a point. Regardless, the Fox affiliate that misidentified the Asiana pilots on board the 777 when it crash-landed as Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, and Bang Ding Ow is now in the clear. The NTSB intern who "erroneously confirmed" the names in question wasn't so lucky, however: he lost his resume-building gig at the agency.
Backstory here, if anyone needs a refresher.
Rico says that Ho Lee Fuk pretty much summed it up, however. (Okay, okay, it was wrong, but it was funny...) Rico doesn't remember KTVU being a Fox affiliate, but then it's been a long time since he lived in the Bay Area...

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