31 July 2013

Weiner refuses to say

The ubiquitous Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about Anthony Weiner:
Anthony Weiner sat down with the New York Daily News on recently, in his ongoing bid to turn the page from his latest sexting scandal and back to his campaign in general. That's something that would be nearly impossible with the best PR strategy. And, clearly, the disgraced-congressman-turned-disgrace-mayoral-candidate doesn't have one of those:
NYDN's Denis Hammill: There is no one you are sexting now?
Weiner: "You can quibble about beginnings, middles, and ends, but what we're talking about is over a year ago."
If someone wanted to give Weiner the benefit of the doubt, they could read that quote as simply another example of the New York Democrat's promise to neither confirm nor deny any specifics of new sexting allegations. (In another part of the interview, Weiner claims that any other sexts that surface would be "all old stuff.") But Carlos Danger long ago lost the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the timeline of his online escapades.
The full Daily News interview is here.
Rico says this guy should get elected, just to make all the other politicians look good by comparison...

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