24 June 2013

Scam for the day

From: Agnes Williams <giuseppe.aquino83@alice.it>
Date: June 24, 2013, 9:47:11 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Atten/beneficiary
Reply-To: www.western010@outlook.com

Attention/recipient beneficiary

This mail is to update you about your compensations fund,which has be
forwarded to,western union
head office for foreign transfer department.
Call Mr.Adams Peter Western Union Director.
@+229 68172528 for Your($850,000USD)EMAIL(w.uniontransfer21@gmail.com)
Send to him Your receiving information

contact him today with this required information.

Receiver full name...
Receiving country ...
Telephone number....
ID copy (if any)

Best Regards,
Mrs Agnes Williams

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