31 May 2013

Chicom hackers at work

Soldier of Fortune magazine has an article by Harold Hutchison about the Chinese, up to no good as usual:
ChiCom hackers may have compromised many of the weapons systems the United States will rely on in a possible war. Among the systems that these hackers have compromised are the F-35, V-22, and several missile defense programs.
According to a report by The Washington Post, the hacking has been very widespread as the ChiComs are seeking to modernize their military. Over the past decade, China has been not only developing its first aircraft carrier, but also flew a fifth-generation fighter almost a decade before it was predicted to by American intelligence.
The Obama Administration has not raised the issue publicly, although the Post reported the issue has been raised privately with ChiCom officials. The ChiComs have officially denied reports that they are carrying out cyber-espionage.
Rico says we really do need to figure out a way to spank them for this...

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