22 March 2013

Movie review for the day

Rico says he sat through Normandy, thinking it was going to be a German-focused story of the invasion:
German officer Klaus and his lover, Klaudia, are caught while trying to free Klaudia's father from a Nazi prison. When D-Day arrives, the couple attempts their own breakout amid the Allied invasion of Normandy.
Seems straightforward, right?
Well, it was directed by Tino Struckmann  and starred Tino Struckmann as Klaus, along with Claudia Crawford as Klaudia (just in case she couldn't remember her name, maybe), who's got the biggest lips in the movie business (yes, bigger than Angelina Jolie, if not by much).
While the movie did have an amazing cast, made up of World War Two reenactors (most, in the way of reenactors, too old and too fat to be the real thing), and an even more amazing set of vehicles (including Panzers and Shermans and even a tank destroyer, along with the usual assortment of Kubelwagens and Jeeps and trucks), they did better portraying the Russian Front than they did the coast of France. Three (count 'em, three) landing craft, a P-51, and a Harvard masquerading as a Thunderbolt does not a D-Day make...
The other clue? At the end of the film, one discovers that they made it in Tennessee... (Though what lake they came up with for the English Channel was unspecified.)
So, was it worth watching? Barely. (Mostly for Claudia's lips.) Tino can almost act, and (ignoring the fact that all the vehicles, obviously owned by proud reenactors, were way too clean and undented) the fighting was, for a low-budget film, pretty good. The story? Predictable, and Rico ended up yelling at the screen a lot; Klaus was pretty stupid, even for a German officer...

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