20 February 2013

Movie review for the day

Rico says it took him awhile to get through The Veteran, because other things got in the way, but he's glad he did, even though the lack of hearing-impaired subtitles made it hard to understand... (Yes, it was in English, but in British English, and some impenetrable accents at that.)
It's about a British vet of the war in Afghanistan, who comes back to his flat in a typically-depressing British working-class neighborhood (the place makes Detroit look good) to find the drug dealers and a hidden al-Qaeda group have made things dangerous.
He's recruited to help deal with the terrorists, by recontacting a young woman who's gone undercover in the group, and has the predictable run-ins with the drug guys as well. Being a soldier, of course, he actually knows how to shoot, but there's a lot of gunplay by all concerned.
(Spoiler alert, like you're gonna see it...) The woman gets killed, a lot of the al-Qaeda and drug dealers get killed, and, in the end, so does our hero. (He has a nasty habit of getting pulled off the street by people in dark vans but, the last time they try that, it goes badly for them.)
There's a long list of British actors you've never heard of in it, but then there's a face that Rico recognized, but couldn't remember from where; turns out it was Brian Cox, who's been in Deadwood, The Bourne Supremacy, TroyThe Bourne Identity, The Glimmer ManBraveheart, and Nicholas & Alexandra, along with a zillion other things, which is why his face was so recognizable:

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