05 January 2013

Tarantino unchained

Tirdad Derakhshani has an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about Tarantino:

Quentin Tarantino is disturbed by the torrent of criticism poured on his über-violent new pic, Django Unchained, for being, like his other pics, too violent. "Yeah, I am. I'm really annoyed," he told NPR's Terry Gross, with people who censure him in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre for promoting movie violence.
Connecting movies and a real-life tragedy, Tarantino says, is foolish. "I think it's disrespectful to the victims' memory, actually, to talk about movies," he said. "Obviously, the issue is gun control and mental health." Continued Tarantino: "I've been asked this question for twenty years, about the effects of violence in movies related to violence in real life. My answer is the same as twenty years ago. It hasn't changed one iota. Obviously, I don't think one has anything to do with the other."

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