25 December 2012

Deportation would be one solution

Tirdad Derakhshani has a short article in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
A petition calling on the government to deport Piers Morgan (photo) for voicing antigun views had amassed more than 47,000 signatures, three days after it was posted on the White House's petition website by Infowars.com.
Morgan has called for stricter gun-control laws in the wake of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, and called a gun advocate who appeared on his CNN show an "unbelievably stupid man".
The petition demands that Morgan, a foreign national, "be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights" and for using his television show "to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens". Morgan sticks to his guns, as it were: "Bring it on, you goon," he tweets. "Americans murdered with assault weapons in movie theaters, temples, schools, shopping malls," he said recently, "where does it end?"
Rico says it ends when the good guys shoot the bad guys first... (And it turns out that Morgan is a citizen of Britain, where we should return him immediately.)

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