12 November 2012

Willard is a poopy head

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about Willard:
Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist recently delivered what just may be the most bizarre quote of this still young election post-mortem season, suggesting that President Obama managed to win re-election by successfully portraying Mitt Romey as a "poopy head".
The Huffington Post flags the no doubt soon-to-be hashtag-generating quote:
"The President was committed; elected on the basis that he was not Romney and Romney was a poopy head and you should vote against Romney and he won by two points," Norquist said on CBS' This Morning. "But he didn't make the case that we should have higher taxes and higher spending, he kind of sounded like the opposite."
The Americans for Tax Reform chief's comments came during a string of appearances on morning news programs, where he attempted to push back against the idea that the American voters handed the president a mandate last week and where he went on the offensive against a possible "fiscal cliff" deal that would include tax hikes.
Rico says he couldn't agree more...

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