13 November 2012

Holly Petraeus' Indescribable Fury"

Josh Voorhees has a series of Slate squibs about the wife of David Petraeus (rhymes with betray-us):
Steve Boylan, a friend and former spokesman for David Petraeus, spoke about the mood of Petraeus' wife of 38 years, Holly. It appears neither Boylan nor his former boss have the words to describe just how angry Mrs. Petraeus was to learn that her husband was having an affair. "Well, as you can imagine, she's not exactly pleased right now," Boylan said, putting it mildly. The now-former CIA director went one step further when summing up his wife's emotional state to Boylan over the weekend, but apparently was also at a loss for the proper adjective: "Furious would be an understatement.?
Boylan said that Petraeus is "devastated", both because of the "pain this has caused his family" and because it cost him his job. "He had a huge job and he felt he was doing great work and that is all gone now," Boylan said.Petraeus and Broadwell are said to have met in 2006, but Boylan says that their affair didn't begin until late 2011, two months after he was named director of the CIA.If the affair began while Petraeus was still serving in the Army, the now-retired general could face charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, specifically under Article 134, which reprimands conduct "of a nature to bring discredit upon armed forces". It remains unclear— and would appear unlikely— however, whether the military would pursue those charges if the opportunity presents itself.T]he FBI wrapped up its case after interviewing Paula Broadwell on Friday, 2 November, four days before the presidential election, a senior U.S. law enforcement official told NBC News. It was the second time that FBI agents had questioned Broadwell in the probe and, during both interviews, she acknowledged having had an affair with Petraeus, the official said. Petraeus himself had been questioned a few days earlier and also acknowledged the affair, the first official said.Kathleen J. McInnis, a former Pentagon strategist, writing in The Atlantic: "While it's a personal tragedy, it's only one of a number of body blows our military community has absorbed over the past couple of years. One blow: concerns about the erosion of the military family. Another: scandals (sexual, financial or otherwise) dogging our military's leaders. All of this is occurring as our country fights two major wars, one still ongoing. These are intimately interconnected issues that, taken together, make me wonder whether we are seeing the warning signs of a military stretched to its breaking point."The Florida woman who allegedly received the harassing emails from Broadwell that set the FBI investigation in motion was 37-year-old Jill Kelley, a Petraeus family friend from his time at Central Command in Tampa. The Associated Press said: "A former associate of Petraeus confirmed the target of the emails was Kelley, but said there was no affair between the two.. The associate said Kelley and her husband were longtime friends of Petraeus and his wife."
Rico says it's all a fuque de clusteur... 

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