26 November 2012

Yeah, like that'll happen

Harry McCracken has a Time article about WHAT:
In the Bay Area, where so much mobile software is developed, the iPhone's market share is an impressive hundred percent. Well, not really. But it can sure feel that way. Sometimes when I'm riding the subway, I scan the many mobile devices being used by my fellow passengers; quite often, there isn't a non-Apple product in sight.
This may be one factor which helps explain why Android apps often aren't as nice as their iOS equivalents: The people who make 'em don't actually use 'em. But as TechCrunch's Josh Constine notes, Facebook is on a mission to convert employees to Android, in hopes of collecting better testing data:
I’ve attained some photos of the vaguely propagandistic posters found around Facebook’s Menlo Park campus. The most telling one is a graph of the International Data Corporation’s projection for shipments of Androids vs iPhones. It shows Google’s OS getting bundled with twice as many devices as Apple’s by 2016. If Facebook can’t even out the ratio of iOS to Android-toting employees soon, it could end up neglecting the vast majority of its smartphone app users.
Rico says there's a Charlton Heston line about prying his gubs out of his 'cold dead hands', and Rico's iPhone would be in that category,,,

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