A government watchdog issued a scathing report blasting the US military for the way it has developed camouflage uniforms over the past decade, putting troops at risk and wasting millions of dollars. The Government Accountability Office picked out the Air Force and Army as extreme offenders among the services, lambasting their development of the Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) in 2002 and the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) in 2003.Each service has developed its own camouflage uniform over the past ten years. Military service leaders have introduced seven new patterns-- two desert, two woodland, and three universal-- since 2002.GAO officials urged leaders to work together and avoid the "fragmented approach" the different services have used in the past. GAO investigators issued their report four months before Army leaders plan to pick out a new family of camouflage for soldiers. The Army launched its massive camouflage improvement plan in 2009, when its pixilated Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) came under scrutiny from soldiers, lawmakers, and the Army test community. Two studies conducted by the Natick Soldier Systems Center, one completed in 2009 and the other in 2006, showed that the UCP performed poorly when compared to multiple camouflage patterns such as the Marine Corps desert pattern and MultiCam.Rico says he's no math whiz, but hoping to save eighty-two million by forcing the Air Force and Army to cooperate, out of a four or five billion dollar program, seems like chump change. But a "knowledge-based approach and greater use of DOD policies and procedures to ensure that decisions are informed, science-based, and data driven"? Oohh, tech-geek-speak... Plus "the ACU camouflage pattern failed to conceal troops as well as the Marine pattern, or the uniforms of foreign armies, including China and Syria"? Not as good as the Syrians? Someone oughta get canned for that...
In June of 2009, Pennsylvania's Democratic Representative John Murtha, then chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, got involved in the camouflage issue. Murtha pushed the service to look for a better camouflage pattern after receiving complaints from sergeants about the UCP's poor performance in the war zone.Murtha died in 2010, but his directive prompted the Army to launch a multi-phase camouflage effort. Many patterns were evaluated in Afghanistan, but MultiCam was the clear winner for the country's multi-terrain environment. Critics allege that the Army has wasted five billion dollars on uniforms and equipment all printed in the inadequate UCP. The GAO estimates that the Army will have to spend another four billion on uniforms and equipment over the next five years, when it selects its new family of camouflage patterns. The GAO maintains that the Army stands to save $82 million if it can partner with another service. Air Force leaders have shown interest in the Army's camouflage development efforts, but have not signed any agreements to update the ABU with the Army, GAO officials said.
Defense Department leaders have failed to require services to "collaborate and standardize the development and introduction of camouflage uniforms", causing the military to potentially "forego millions of dollars in potential cost savings", the GAO wrote.
Soldiers deploy to Afghanistan wearing the Army's Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OCP) that the Pentagon started fielding in July of 2010. While considered extremely effective, the OCP cost over three million dollars to develop. Airmen also deploy wearing the OCP after Air Force studies found the ABU to be ineffective in combat environments.
Marines still wear the Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform (MCCCU) that the service started fielding in June of 2002. The Corps spent $319,000 to develop the MCCCU uniform, significantly less than the Army and Air Force, which spent over three million on the ACU and just over three million on the ABU, respectively.
All four services universally wore Army Battle Dress and Desert Camouflage patterns before the Corps introduced their own pattern and implanted the Corps symbol into it. The Corps' initiative left Army, Air Force, and, later, Navy leaders scrambling to provide their troops service-specific camouflage patterns. The report did not address the Navy's blue working uniform, which is referred to by the troops as "aquaflage".
In 2010, Congress required the military departments to establish "joint requirements for future ground combat uniforms" to better protect troops and save the Pentagon money. Thus far, GAO investigators found the Defense Department has failed to follow through.
The GAO commended the Marine Corps for using "credible, reliable, and timely data" to choose their camouflage pattern and implementing it "using clear policies and procedures". The Army and Air Force failed to do the same when they developed the ACU and ABU, causing their uniforms to "not meet mission requirements" and forced the services to replace them.
Notably, the Army instituted a camouflage study that compared thirteen different patterns. However, Army leaders picked the universal ACU pattern and colors without ever finishing the study. Comparably, the Marine Corps studied seventy potential patterns before picking the Marine Corps Pattern.Leaders from the Program Executive Office (PEO) Soldiers could not even provide a performance report to explain their selection or explain how the pattern was developed, despite its three million dollar price tag, according to the GAO report.
A 2009 internal Army study found the ACU camouflage pattern failed to conceal troops as well as the Marine pattern, or the uniforms of foreign armies, including China and Syria, the GAO wrote.
The ACU pattern that was designed for urban environments left soldiers unconcealed in Afghanistan, forcing the Army to rush and replace the ACU uniform with the OEF pattern ahead of the Afghanistan surge of forces. Expediting the development and fielding of a new uniform cost the Army nearly forty million dollars in 2010 and 2011. For the OEF uniform, the Army sent a "photo simulation team to Afghanistan to collect environmental data", according to the GAO report.
PEO Soldiers officials told GAO investigators that, unlike the process to pick the ACU pattern, the Army will include a "knowledge-based approach and greater use of DOD policies and procedures to ensure that decisions are informed, science-based, and data driven" for its next camouflage uniform.
The Air Force has had its own uniform failings, namely, developing a combat uniform that wasn't built for airmen to wear off base, and one roundly mocked by their sister services. Airmen immediately complained about the heavy fabric and the tiger-stripe pattern of the ABU when it was fielded in 2007. A 2006 study by the Air Warfare Center found the ABU was "not an effective combat uniform due to trouser fit, heat buildup, and other concerns", according to the report.
In the majority of camouflage pattern tests, raters judged the "ABU as marginal or unsatisfactory for concealment 58 percent of the time," according to the report. The wave of complaints forced the Air Force to order new ABUs for airmen with lighter weight material at a high cost to the service.
"If Air Force officials had expanded the knowledge-based approach for selecting a uniform— such as by ordering extensive testing and evaluation of varying fabric weights for comfortable wear to support the decision process— the service may have avoided the need to replace uniforms with a lighter weight fabric," according to the GAO report.
06 October 2012
Oops is, yet again, a military term
Military.com has an article by Michael Hoffman and Matthew Cox about waste (no surprise there) in the military:
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