18 September 2012

Two million? Bummer

Matthew Yglesias has a Slate article about the 'disappointing' iPhone:

The fact that the iPhone 5 did not contain a new industrial design concept and, instead, only increased processor power and screen size while reducing device weight and battery life while upgrading network speed, prompted a fair amount of commentary about the slowing pace of innovation at Apple. But it seems about two million devices were preordered within 24 hours, and now even if you preorder, you can't actually get on on launch day.
The iPhone 4S, which, as I recall, was also "disappointing", got about one million preorders, which itself was a record. So clearly Apple is doing something right. I think what you'd actually see is that a lack of technical innovation is what would induce a change in industrial design as a way to artificially gin up excitement. The new iPod Nano seems to me to be in that spirit. It's a declining product in a declining market segment that they couldn't come up with any interesting new ideas for, so it got a basically arbitrary new design because— hey— why not?

Rico says that there are probably other phone makers who'd be happy with two million sold...

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