27 September 2012

Wake the fuck up

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about Samuel L. Jackson's feelings about Obama:
Here's the new online video from the Jewish Council for Education & Research, a liberal super PAC that has had some success in the viral political ad field before. (Most notably with a video that had Sarah Silverman offering to "scissor" billionaire Sheldon Adelson.)
This one stars Samuel L. Jackson reading a roughly four-minute-long children's story to Obama supporters— complete with profanity, of course.
The general message is pretty clear from the ad's title: Wake the fuck up. As that would suggest, the video isn't meant to win over undecided voters as much as energize those existing Obama supporters who may have been considering sitting this one out.
If the online spot itself feels somewhat familiar, that's probably because it is supposed to. (It also means you're probably in the target demographic.) It again teams Jackson with Go the Fuck to Sleep author Adam Mansbach, who wrote the ad's script. Jackson's reading of Mansbach's "children's book for adults" proved to be rather popular with the kids. JCER is clearly hoping their follow-up will be too.
Rico says he couldn't have said it better himself...

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