24 September 2012

Please, I'm eating

Due to the overtime in the football game that preceded it, Rico and the ladyfriend were able to watch 60 Minutes last night. Unfortunately, it was back-to-back interviews with Willard and Barack... Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about the program:
President Obama and Mitt Romney gave dueling interviews to CBS News that aired during last night's edition of 60 Minutes.
Here's how The New York Times summed up the action:
"The two presidential contenders carried out a shadow debate that offered a likely preview of the tone and substance of the first of their three face-to-face debates, which will be held in Denver on 3 October."
Included among the comments were Romney criticizing Obama for refusing to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week; Obama challenging Romney to be more specific on his foreign policy plans in the Middle East ("If Governor Romney is suggesting that we should start another war," the president said, "he should say so."); and Romney doing his best to shake off the political damage his now-viral "47 percent" remarks may have done to his campaign ("That’s not the campaign," the former governor said of the secretly-taped remarks. "That was me, right?")
Here's the game tape:

Rico says one should never watch political debates while eating dinner; it ruins your digestion...

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