11 September 2012

More (and happier) Apple for the day

Harry McCracken has a Time article about the new iPhone:

On Wednesday, Apple is holding a media event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. It’s done everything short of openly announcing that the big unveiling will be the next iPhone. But whether or not the phone matches the rumors, there should be plenty of news and (I hope) surprises.
As usual, I’ll be in the audience, liveblogging the action as it transpires, with color commentary by my colleague Doug Aamoth. We’d be honored if you’d join us.
Live coverage will begin at 1pm ET on Wednesday, 12 September; you can simply bookmark this post or join us at time.com/iPhone5 on Wednesday.

Rico says he'll be checking in, even though he can't (damn) get the upgrade until December...

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