29 August 2012

New comment

man with desire has left a new comment on your post "Catholic Church for the day": 

The article about pedophilia, including problematic material and information on the things that had not been always openly told, because the people who have told problems of pedophilia have feared accusations that they are intolerant persons.
Contents of the article:
Religiousness and sensuality
Pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church
Religious communities and pedophilia
The real faith don't practice pedophilia
Pedophile manipulates and controls a child
Wrong guilt of a pedophile's victims
Pedophilia is a very wide-range problem
Majority of pedophiles are men
Homosexuality and pedophilia
Islam and pedophilia
Aspiration expansion of pedophilia
Healing of the victim

The whole article is here: http://koti.phnet.fi/petripaavola/pedophilia.html

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