22 August 2012

Big politicians

Rico says it always amuses him when, somewhere on the internet, someone thinks like him, and the Conservative New Jersey website has a piece on the similarities between New Jersey governor Chris Christie (and perhaps future presidential candidate) and President William Howard Taft:
Apart from the distinguishing honor of being one of the last truly conservative Republican Presidents to precede the great Ronald Reagan (Calvin Coolidge was the other), William Howard Taft had the dubious honor of being the the heaviest chief executive in U.S. history: he tipped the scales at 332 pounds.
Big Bill, as he was known to friends, once suffered the ignominy of getting stuck in the White House bath tub. An oversized version measuring seven feet long and forty-one inches wide (big enough to accommodate four normal-sized men) was installed afterward.
Why am I bringing this up? Just like President Taft, Governor Chris Christie struggles with obesity. Strange, is it not, that the Drive-By Media studiously ignored the fact that New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler made Governor Christie look like Twiggy, and yet not a critical word was written about Nadler’s weight, amidst effusive praise about his über-liberal politics.
So why is Governor Christie being targeted? Ironically, it’s because of the widespread perception that he is a Reagan conservative. Heaven forbid that a putative conservative contender for the White House not have the physique of a marathon runner, and so the attacks have commenced. This is unacceptable.
We at Conservative New Jersey want to take this opportunity to condemn those who resort to cheap shots and low blows when criticizing Chris Christie. His obesity is immaterial and irrelevant to the issue at hand. What matters are Governor Christie’s core principles and the manner in which he governs the Garden State.
In this respect we are critical of the Governor: we hold the position that he is not a conservative but rather, an establishment RINO, and our criticism of him is focused on these grounds alone. With regard to his weight, we implore Governor Christie, at least for the sake of living long enough to see his grandchildren, to start dieting and losing weight. The stress of pretending to be a conservative can take its toll, and we do not believe it’s worth a future heart attack.
Rico says the guy's 'core principles' are obviously 'eat everything in sight'... (And, yes, yes, Rico could lose a few pounds himself; he's trying.)

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