16 August 2012

Apple for the day

Bloomberg News has an article in The New York Times of the phone wars:

The judge presiding over an intellectual property dispute between Apple and Samsung Electronics said that the chief executives of the two companies should talk again before the jury begins its deliberations.
“I’m going to make one more request that CEO’s from both sides speak by phone,” Judge Lucy Koh said in Federal District Court in San Jose, California. “I see risks here for both sides.” Judge Koh earlier this year ordered Apple’s chief executive, Timothy D. Cook, to meet face to face with his counterpart at Samsung, Choi Gee Sung. That meeting failed to produce a settlement.
“It’s at least worth one more try,” Judge Koh said. She has given each side 25 hours to present its case. Jury deliberations may begin as early as 21 August, the judge said.
Lawyers for both sides said they would comply.
Apple sued Samsung in April of 2011, accusing it of copying patented designs for mobile devices, and Samsung countersued. The case is the first to go before a federal jury in a battle being waged on four continents for dominance in a smartphone market valued at more than two hundred billion dollars.
Apple is claiming at least $2.5 billion in damages, contending that Samsung infringed on its patent and trade secrets. The company, based in Cupertino, California, also wants to make permanent a preliminary ban it won on sales of a Samsung tablet in the United States and to extend the ban to Samsung smartphones.
Samsung, based in South Korea, is trying to persuade the jury to find Apple’s patents invalid, and to award unspecified damages for what it contends are infringement of its patents.
“If all you wanted is to raise that you have IP on these devices, message delivered,” Judge Koh said, referring to intellectual property. She said the “external valuations” of the intellectual property had been established in her court and others. “In many ways, mission accomplished,” she said. “It’s time for peace.”

Rico says it's reminiscent of "peace in our time" from 1939...

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