01 August 2012

Another good one gone

The Philadelphia Inquirer has Gore Vidal's obituary:
Gore Vidal, the author, playwright, politician and commentator whose novels, essays, plays, and opinions were stamped by his immodest wit and unconventional wisdom, died at age 86, his nephew said.
Vidal died at his home in the Hollywood Hills at about 6:45 p.m., of complications from pneumonia, Burr Steers said. Vidal had been living alone in the home and had been sick for "quite a while," he said.
Along with such contemporaries as Norman Mailer and Truman CapoteVidal was among the last generation of literary writers who were also genuine celebrities, fixtures on talk shows and in gossip columns, personalities of such size and appeal that even those who hadn't read their books knew who they were.
His works included hundreds of essays; the best-selling novels Lincoln and Myra Breckenridge; the groundbreaking The City and the Pillar, among the first novels about openly gay characters; and the Tony-nominated play The Best Man, revived on Broadway in 2012.
Tall and distinguished looking, with a haughty baritone not unlike that of his conservative arch-enemy William F. BuckleyVidal appeared cold and cynical on the surface. But he bore a melancholy regard for lost worlds, for the primacy of the written word, for "the ancient American sense that whatever is wrong with human society can be put right by human action".
Vidal was uncomfortable with the literary and political establishment, and the feeling was mutual. Beyond an honorary National Book Award in 2009, he won few major writing prizes, lost both times he ran for office and initially declined membership into the American Academy of Arts and Letters, joking that he already belonged to the Diners Club. (He was eventually admitted, in 1999).
But he was widely admired as an independent thinker, in the tradition of Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken, about literature, culture, politics, and, as he liked to call it, "the birds and the bees". He picked apart politicians, living and dead; mocked religion and prudery; opposed wars from Vietnam to Iraq, and insulted his peers like no other, once observing that the three saddest words in the English language were Joyce Carol Oates. (The four happiest words: I told you so).
The author "meant everything to me when I was learning how to write and learning how to read," Dave Eggers said at the 2009 National Book Awards ceremony, when he and Vidal received honorary citations. "His words, his intellect, his activism, his ability and willingness to always speak up and hold his government accountable, especially, has been so inspiring to me I can't articulate it." Ralph Ellison labeled him a "campy patrician".
Vidal had an old-fashioned belief in honor, but a modern will to live as he pleased. He wrote in the memoir Palimpsest that he had more than a thousand "sexual encounters," nothing special, he added, compared to the pursuits of such peers as John F. Kennedy and Tennessee Williams.
Vidal was fond of drink, and alleged that he had sampled every major drug, once. He never married and for decades shared a scenic villa in Ravello, Italy, with companion Howard Austen.
Vidal would say that his decision to live abroad damaged his literary reputation in the United States. In print and in person, he was a shameless name dropper, but what names: John and Jacqueline Kennedy. Hillary Clinton. Tennessee Williams. Mick Jagger. Orson Welles. Frank Sinatra. Marlon Brando. Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon.
Vidal dined with Welles in Los Angeles, lunched with the Kennedys in Florida, clowned with the Newmans in Connecticut, drove wildly around Rome with a nearsighted Williams, and escorted Jagger on a sightseeing tour along the Italian coast. He campaigned with Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry Truman. He butted heads, literally, with Mailer. He helped director William Wyler with the script for Ben-Hur. He made guest appearances on everything from The Simpsons to Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In.
Vidal formed his most unusual bond with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. The two exchanged letters after Vidal's 1998 article in Vanity Fair on "the shredding" of the Bill of Rights, and their friendship inspired Edmund White's play Terre Haute. "He's very intelligent. He's not insane," Vidal said of McVeigh in a 2001 interview.
Vidal also bewildered his fans by saying the Bush administration likely had advance knowledge of the 11 September 2001 attacks; that McVeigh was no more a killer than Dwight Eisenhower, and that the U.S. would eventually be subservient to China, The Yellow Man's Burden.
Christopher Hitchens, who once regarded Vidal as a modern Oscar Wilde, lamented in a 2010 Vanity Fair essay that Vidal's recent comments suffered from an "utter want of any grace or generosity, as well as the entire absence of any wit or profundity". Years earlier, Saul Bellow stated: "a dune of salt has grown up to season the preposterous things Gore says."
A longtime critic of American militarism, Vidal was, ironically, born at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, his father's alma materVidal grew up in a political family. His grandfather, Thomas Pryor Gore, was a Senator from Oklahoma. His father, Gene Vidal, served briefly in President Franklin Roosevelt's administration and was an early expert on aviation; Amelia Earhart was a family friend and reported lover of Gene Vidal.
Vidal was a learned, but primarily self-educated, man. Classrooms bored him. He graduated from the elite Phillips Exeter Academy, but then enlisted in the Army and never went to college. His first book, the war novel, Williwaw, was written while he was in the service and published when he was just twenty.
The New York Times' Orville Prescott praised Vidal as a "canny observer" and Vidal as a "good start toward more substantial accomplishments". But The City and the Pillar, his third book, apparently changed Prescott's mind. Published in 1948, the novel's straightforward story about two male lovers was virtually unheard of at the time, and Vidal claimed that Prescott swore he would never review his books again. (The critic relented in 1964, calling Vidal's Julian a novel "disgusting enough to sicken many of his readers"). The City and the Pillar was dedicated to J.T., who was Jimmie Trimble, a boarding school classmate killed during the War whom Vidal would cite as the great love of his life.
Unable to make a living from fiction, at least when identified as Gore Vidal, he wrote a trio of mystery novels in the 1950s under the pen name Edgar Box, and also wrote fiction as Katherine Everard and Cameron Kay. He became a playwright, too, writing for the theater and television. The political drama The Best Man was later made into a movie starring Henry Fonda, was revived on Broadway in 2000 and again in 2012. Paul Newman starred in The Left-Handed Gun, a film adaptation of Vidal's The Death of Billy the Kid.
Vidal also worked in Hollywood, writing the script for Suddenly Last Summer and adding a subtle homoerotic context to Ben-Hur. The author himself later appeared in a documentary about gays in Hollywood, The Celluloid Closet. His acting credits included Gattaca, With Honors, and Tim Robbins' political satire, Bob Roberts.
Although happy to see and be seen, Vidal saw himself foremost as a man of letters. He wrote a series of acclaimed and provocative historical novels.
Rico says that he, too, considers himself 'foremost as a man of letters', but he'll never have the career (or the gay lovers) of Vidal.

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