31 July 2012

Now that's Presidential

Abby Ohlheiser has a Slate article about Willard:

Romney's overseas trip was marked by another questionable quote from one of the candidate's aides when spokesperson Rick Gorka rebuffed journalists' questions for the candidate by telling them: "Kiss my ass." Romney was in Poland, walking back to his vehicle from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw’s Pilsudski Square. Gorka continued: "This is a holy site for the Polish people, show some respect". He then told another reporter to "shove it". Gorka later called the reporters to apologize, the Washington Post reports.
CNN has a transcript and footage of the tiff, which unfolded as follows:
CNN: "Governor Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps of your trip?"
The New York Times: "Governor Romney, do you have a statement for the Palestinians?"
The Washington Post: "What about your gaffes?"
The New York Times: "Governor Romney, do you feel that your gaffes have overshadowed your foreign trip?"
CNN: "Governor Romney just a few questions, sir, you haven't taken but three questions on this trip from the press!"
Gorka: "Show some respect."
The New York Times: "We haven't had another chance to ask a question ..."
Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."
It's the latest distraction for the campaign in what was decidedly a bumpy overseas trip. Romney followed up his trip to London (which didn't go well) with a stop in Israel, where the presidential hopeful pushed the conventional campaign boundaries of not criticizing a sitting president abroad.

Rico says if Gorka was a Gurkha, he'd be shot for this... (But Poland makes it three for three for Willard.)

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