23 July 2012

Your Ebay transaction

Rico says he has neither a PayPal nor an eBay account...

-----Original Message-----
From: "service@paypal.com" <service@paypal.com>
Sent: Monday, 23 July, 2012 13:01
To: mseymour@proofmark.com
Subject: Your Ebay transaction is cleared.

Transaction  ID 393847371869 Transaction Time : 7/23/2012 04:00 PDT

Your funds are now available

Dear mseymour@proofmark.com,
The funds from this eBay payment are now available for use. Check your Transaction Details for more information.

Buyer Addison Barker
Buyer email lorem.eget.mollis@tinciduntDonecvitae.ca
Payment total 977,257.48 USD

This email was sent by an automated system, so if you reply, nobody will see it. To get in touch with us, log in to your account and click Contact Us at the bottom of any page.
Copyright 2012 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.


  1. My company has gotten this crap at least 3 times today for 3 different amounts, so technically we have cleared over a million today alone. Trying to figure out what the deal is here. Is it phishing? My AV doesn't seem to catch it yet. Has anyone figured out the purpose of this one?

  2. Hi there, I recived this this morning too, although only for $677,000 (why am I not worth as much!) haha, anyway,

    send it to:


    and then delete it,

    they will then go and investigate the fraud.

    If you are unsure as to wether this is real or not, then open a new browser and log on to your paypal and check your account.

    This will probably be triing to steal your details, so please make sure you do not click on anything in the email!!!

    Hope that helps!


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