07 June 2012

Sure, killing is bad, especially when it's you

Rico says he's been reading, with some bemusement, the arguments in Washington about the use of drone strikes (photo) and cyberattacks in the wars against al-Qaeda and Iran.
The New York Times has, in today's paper, an article by Scott Shane on the very subject. But they also have an article by Alissa Rubin and Taimoor Shah about how "at least two dozen Afghan civilians, possibly many more, died in violence on Wednesday". That's just Wednesday; this shit has been going on all year. (And for centuries, if you read your history; these people got serious issues.)
What, Rico wonders, would the politicians in Washington be saying if The New York Times were reporting two dozen American deaths in this country of a given Wednesday?
Kill 'em there, or find them killing us here (or killing Israelis with an Iranian nuke); your choice...

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