11 June 2012

Oops is now a British term

Meera Selva of The Associated Press has an article about David Cameron (photo), leader of Britain's opposition Conservative Party:
It's every parent's nightmare, to get home and realize a child is missing.
British Prime Minister David Cameron's office confirmed that he accidentally left his eight-year-old daughter Nancy in a country pub after a family Sunday lunch.
Officials said the incident happened "a couple of months ago", as the family was leaving a pub near Chequers, a country house the prime ministers use while in office, west of London.
Nancy had gone to the bathroom while Cameron and the rest of the family piled into two cars to drive back to the house. Cameron was travelling in one car with his bodyguards and assumed that she was in the other car with his wife Samantha and two other children. Samantha assumed Nancy was with her father, and they only realized she was missing when they got home.
In a statement, Cameron's Downing Street office said: "The prime minister and Samantha were distraught when they realized Nancy wasn't with them. Thankfully, when they phoned the pub, she was there safe and well."
Nancy was separated from her parents for around fifteen minutes until Cameron arrived to collect her from The Plough in the village of Cadsden, officials said.
Sunday pub lunches are have long been traditional in Britain, with fare often including roast beef, potatoes, and salad, along with red wine, beer, or ale.
Rico says the bodyguards are supposed to do a headcount when leaving any location; maybe they had too much traditional booze at lunch...

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