29 June 2012

Chillin' in Chillon

Rico says a mention of a particular castle in a recent television program gave rise to a very old (and previously buried) memory of his youth. Castle Chillon (photo, top), located in Vevey, Switzerland, ended up, for reasons Rico cannot remember, on his journey from Berlin to Paris in the summer of 1969. More importantly, it's in the same area as the Monte Rosa Institute, a famous boarding school (photo, bottom) in Montreaux.
During his visit to the castle (not nearly as interesting as one might have hoped) Rico chanced to meet a lovely young lady named Judy L. (while Rico does remember, to his surprise, her last name, it's not given here because, even forty-plus years on, one must preserve her privacy) and her three roommates. In the way of youth, and the Sixties, romance blossomed (hey, it's a castle, after all), and Rico was invited to come up to the school that night and visit her, alone, in her room. (The intention was to farm out her roommates down the hall.)
When Rico arrived (we're talking skulking here, remember; he's on foreign school property in the dark, without permission) and whistled, however, not one but four heads popped up in the lighted window. Seems that school officials had taken a dim view of the other three changing rooms for the night, and they'd been afraid of attracting unwanted attention. So there was nothing for it but to climb up (Rico being young and strong and skinny, remember) the lowered rope ladder, made from blankets tied together. Throwing an arm over the large stone windowsill, Rico was confronted with four smiling faces. Helped over the sill, the giggling mass of young womanhood didn't know what to do with him. Finally it was decided that, since he'd come all this way, they'd all get back into bed (two double bunk beds, to be precise; it matters to the story) and turn out the lights. "Just to talk", of course.
Which is not quite (Rico being seventeen and horny) how it turned out. Sure, there was a little whispered conversation, and then Judy urged him (hey, she was young and horny, too) to push his jeans down and enter her, not that Rico needed much encouragement...
Being seventeen and horny, however, the process didn't take long to come to a satisfactory (for Rico, anyway) end, and eventually the lights got put back on. Three bright-eyed faces (for, with the squeaky movement of the bunk bed, no one else had been sleeping, either) smiled down at Rico as he prepared to take the rope back down.
When he hit the garden, there was a whispered request that Rico find and tie into the end of the rope the towels that, drying on the window sill, had fluttered down; too hard to find in the dark, the blankets were pulled up empty. (They were afraid of someone coming to check on the noise, in any case.) Blowing kisses to Judy, and waving to the others, Rico ran off through the garden and out the door in the back wall and off to the train station, bound for Paris.
(To this day, Rico says he wonders if, given his lack of protection at the time, there's a little Rico out there somewhere... But don't bother emailing Rico; he's not rich, sorry.)

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