06 June 2012

Another great one gone

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about a great writer:
Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and other literary classics, has died.
His daughter tells the Associated Press that the iconic author passed away Tuesday night, while his grandson tells Gawker's science fiction blog, io9, that it happened Wednesday morning. No word yet on the details, although Bradbury was 91 years old.
There's more on Bradbury and his literary legacy but, for now, you can check out some past Slate pieces on him, including this 2005 Middlebrow column from Bryan Curtis and this 2010 look at his short stories from Nathaniel Rich.
For now, we'll give the final word to Bradbury, via his grandson Danny Karapetian's email to io9:
If you're looking for any single passage to remember him by, I just picked up my copy of The Illustrated Man, my favorite of his books. The introduction is entitled Dancing, So As Not to Be Dead, and there are some great lines about death. My favorite:
"My tunes and numbers are here. They have filled my years, the years when I refused to die. And in order to do that I wrote, I wrote, I wrote, at noon or 3:00 AM. So as not to be dead."
Rico says he better get to writing, if he's not to be 'dead'...

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