30 May 2012

Afro Russians?

Rico says his friend Esha sends this:
I have been fascinated with the history of blacks in Russia for a number of years (also blacks in Nazi Germany, but I digress) and recently had the opportunity of creating a few brief web presentations on some information I discovered. The main purpose of the project is to familiarize my neighborhood  (primarily African-American) with the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko. There is a  park named after him in our neighborhood, and it has an ugly history. The Friends of TS Park are working towards a revitalization of the park, featuring community activities and festivals.  My hope is that current residents (young and old) will come to appreciate him and have some base of relativity about him and his friendship with Ira Aldridge. When people see something they can relate to, they may be more respectful and feel more included in what was once foreign and distant.
I am a block captain, 311 Neighborhood Liaison, along with serving as an AmeriCorps member. One thing I have seen time and time again is how knowledge destroys ignorance. And ignorance, when destroyed, creates opportunities for community connections. When community comes together, they can make great things happen. There is hope.


Ira Aldridge and Taras Shevchenko: Extraordinary Artists, Extraordinary Men,  Extraordinary  Friendship - A Slideshow
черные люди Or Black People: A brief presentation about blacks in Russia
Rico, of course, had to point out that a Black Russian is a drink...

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