23 April 2012

Recycling at its finest

Rico says his friend Kelley sends a Yahoo article by Mike Wehner about an unusual luxury home:
We've seen some truly unique homes in the past — from private islands designed for the super rich to massive castles with more rooms than you'd know what to do with — but an antiquated war monument turned luxury home? Now we've seen everything.
On the outskirts of a village named Steenokkerzeel in Belgium stands a World War Two-era water tower (photo) that is more than meets the eye. Its brick and mortar shell hides a secret: the seventy-year-old structure has been converted into a six-floor mansion fit for a king.
In 2008 a plan was hatched to turn the then-useless tower into something much more interesting. The complex was gutted of much of its interior, leaving just the concrete skeleton in place. The tower was then split into six very distinct floors, with an elevator installed for access to all of them.
The fourth floor is the master bedroom, complete with a pair of spiral staircases that lead to the fifth floor living and dining areas. The top floor features a large terrace with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and nearby airport. It also includes a shower and other amenities, which make it perfect for renters who use part of the facility on a monthly basis to entertain clients.
The tower was used from its building— believed to be sometime between 1938 and 1941— up until the early 1990s. During the Second World War, the Nazis used the structure as a watch tower and, in 2004, it was declared a war monument to prevent it from being destroyed.
At ground level is the main entrance and a spacious two-car garage. The first floor acts as a storage unit and access to utilities. The second floor features an office and guest quarters, complete with bedroom and separate bathroom. The entire third floor acts as the home's main bathroom, featuring a large central shower head and tinted glass dividers for privacy.
The renovation of the one-time war antique is now complete, and judging by the look of it, the tower will be a great place to call home for many decades to come.

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