16 March 2012

Scam for the day

Your email address from a Data Base of Internet Email Users has qualified you a benefited winner of 500.000.00 GBP from UN Aid Heritage 2012 free Lottery Program.
This is part of Millennium Development Goals sponsored by United Nations as part of its poverty alleviation program; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it.
To receive this prize immediately, send the below information to our United Kingdom Authorized Payment Agent.
(1) Your Full name
(2) Contact Address
(3) Age
(4) Occupation
Submit the above information to our Payment Facilitation Committee Chairman in United Kingdom.
Contact Person: Sarafraz Mustaqeem
Contact Email: unlottopfc@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: 00 +44 702 403 1289

This is your identification number (5541130002); you must send it to the Payment Center on request because they will use it to verify you as the winner before they can release the 500.000.00 GBP to you, this is to avoid illegal treatment.
Lastly, keep the identification number away from people because anybody who came across it can use to take your prize and we will not be held accountable for your own mistake. Keep your winning update confidential until your payment is processed and released to avoid double claiming.
Good luck.

Sponsored By
United Nation, Washington DC, USA
Rico says that, first of all, the United Nations doesn't give away money, they know how to spell, they don't use Yahoo Mail out of the UK, and they're not located in Washington... (What idiots fall for this shit?) But isn't Sarafraz Mustaqeem a name to conjure with?

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