14 March 2012

More and better gub carry

Rico says it will surely set a lot of teeth on edge in the anti-gub community, but he thinks it's a good idea:
The National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act of 2012 was introduced in the Senate on 13 March by Senator Mark Begich, a Democrat from Alaska, and Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia. S. 2188 is the Senate companion to H. R. 822, which was approved by the House last November by a vote of 272-154. S. 2188, like H.R. 822, would allow any person with a valid state-issued concealed firearm permit to carry a concealed handgun in any other state that issues concealed firearm permits, or that does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms for lawful purposes. A state's laws governing where concealed handguns may be carried would apply within its borders. Today, 49 states either issue carry permits or otherwise authorize law-abiding people to carry firearms outside the home for self-defense. 41 states have fair “shall issue” permit systems that allow any law-abiding person to get a permit. In contrast to dire predictions from anti-gun groups, Right-to-Carry laws have been enormously successful. Interstate reciprocity will serve as a fundamental protection of the right to self-defense by providing people with the ability to protect themselves, not only in their home states, but anywhere they travel where carry concealed carry is legal. Contrary to the false claims of some, these bills would not create federal gun registration or gun owner licensing, nor would they allow any federal agency to establish a federal standard for a carry permit or impose gun control restrictions of any kind. These bills would have no effect on permitless carry laws, currently on the books in Arizona, Alaska, Wyoming, and Vermont, that allow concealed carry without a permit. In addition, Vermont residents would be able to take advantage of S. 2188 and H.R. 822 by obtaining a permit from one of the many states that offer non-resident permits.
Rico says he has a permit, but doesn't actively use it, in deference to the wishes of his anti-gub ladyfriend...

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