29 February 2012

Rico wishes he'd thought of it

Ankita Rao has the story in Slate:
A group of conservative leaders are demanding that the Huffington Post remove a satirical column, penned by a former Simpsons writer, that dubs Catholicism a Jesus-eating cult.
The author, Larry Doyle, had already posted a follow-up explaining that his original column (which was published in HuffPo's comedy section) was not meant to be taken at face value, but instead was a "ridiculously over-the-top broadside against Roman Catholicism" aimed at highlighting what he sees as "the type of vicious religious ignorance and intolerance I too often see coming from too many so-called Christians," especially Rick Santorum.
That clarification, however, has done little to appease social conservatives, including Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell and National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown. They sent a letter to HuffPo founder Arianna Huffington (obtained by Fox News) demanding a public apology for the "bigoted and unacceptable" column and for the "trash" to be deleted from the site.
In the original column, Doyle hyperbolically references his own Irish Catholic upbringing, saying that he "managed to escape" the rites and texts of the religion. He writes that Santorum’s adherence to Roman Catholicism could push him to wrongful violence or supporting paedophilia.
Rico says he has no doubt that Santorum would support paedophilia, if he thought it would help him get elected... But  a Jesus-eating cult? Now that's a classic...

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