22 February 2012

The guy can't break a catch

Maïa de la Baume has an article in The New York Times about the hapless French idiot:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the financial power broker whose political career was ruined last year after he was accused of attempted rape in New York, was held overnight for a second day of questioning by police officials in the northern French city of Lille in an investigation into a prostitution ring accused of operating in France and Belgium.
Strauss-Kahn presented himself voluntarily to the Lille investigators, who wanted to question him about accusations of complicity in activities related to prostitution in Paris and Washington, where two businessmen are accused of paying for orgies in 2010 and 2011.
A lawyer for Strauss-Kahn appeared to confirm that he had attended the events, saying that his client would not have been aware if the women who entertained him were prostitutes.
“He could easily not have known, because as you can imagine, at these kinds of parties you’re not always dressed, and I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman,” the lawyer, Henri Leclerc, told a French radio station, Europe 1, in December.
While prostitution is legal in France, the investigating magistrates are trying to determine whether the women were paid with funds one of the men might have embezzled. The magistrates seek to discover whether Strauss-Kahn might have known of any such payments.
Eight people have been charged in the case, including a prominent lawyer, a local police official in Lille and three executives of the Hotel Carlton there.
Strauss-Kahn has denied complicity in prostitution and made no comment to reporters as he arrived at the Lille police station. It was not clear whether his overnight detention was routine, or whether information had emerged in the course of the first day of questioning that had prompted the move. French law allows a person to be detained for questioning without charge for 24 hours, with a possible extension to 48 hours.
Last May, Strauss-Kahn resigned as the managing director of the International Monetary Fund and lost any hope of becoming his party’s presidential candidate after he was indicted on attempted rape and other charges involving a housekeeper at a New York City hotel. The case was dismissed after prosecutors questioned his accuser’s reliability as a witness, but he eventually admitted that his encounter with her had been “an error” and “a moral failure”.
Rico says the guy will undoubtedly refer to this incident as an error and a moral failure but, let's face it, you're at a party, you're old and fat and ugly, and a bunch of young, beautiful women get naked and offer to fuck you... Geez, who would ever guess they might be prostitutes?

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