29 February 2012

A great one steps down

Rico says he was always a fan of hers (even if she was a Republican), but Josh Voorhees has the story in Slate:
Republican Senator Olympia Snowe will not seek reelection in 2012.
The Maine lawmaker is widely considered one of the most moderate members of the upper chamber, and was often a key target for Democrats looking to make a bipartisan deal. The 65-year-old stressed that she is in good health and was prepared to run a reelection campaign, but said that she was swayed by the current polarization and partisan gridlock in the Senate.
“Unfortunately, I do not realistically expect the partisanship of recent years in the Senate to change over the short term," Snowe said in a statement. “So, at this stage of my tenure in public service, I have concluded that I am not prepared to commit myself to an additional six years in the Senate, which is what a fourth term would entail."
The Washington Post reports that Snowe's departure is likely a blow to Republicans' hopes of regaining a majority in the Senate, because she was one of the few lawmakers thought to be able to appeal to Maine's traditionally Democratic electorate.
Rico says the Republicans lost a bet when they didn't convince her to run this year...

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