28 February 2012

Gee, is there a pattern here?

Rachael Levy has the story in Slate:
Here's some news, possibly more appropriate for the Costa Allegra, whose name in Italian means "merry": a French fishing vessel has arrived at the fire-ravaged cruise liner and is currently towing the vessel to the Seychelles, reports NBC News.
The ship, which had been left powerless and floating adrift in the pirate-infested Indian Ocean after a fire broke out in its generator room recently, is carrying 212 Italian, 31 British, and eight American passengers. Four of the passengers are children aged three or younger.
An earlier report by the Associated Press claimed that Somali pirates, infamous for trolling the Indian seas, had never attacked a cruise ship. The MSNBC report, however, notes the contrary: "In 2009, an Italian cruise ship with 1,500 people aboard fended off a pirate attack in the Indian Ocean far off the coast of Somalia."
But it would appear that the ship, for the moment, is heading toward a hopeful horizon; photos released via the Seychelles showed the vessel upright and amid calm seas, with hundreds of passengers milling about the decks.
Looks like there will be some even rougher seas ahead for Costa Crociere SpA, the Italian cruise line operator whose Costa Concordia capsized in the Mediterranean six weeks ago.
The Associated Press reports that a fire erupted in the generator room of sister ship Costa Allegra. There were no reported casualties, but the blaze was apparently so severe that it has left the ship and its more than a thousand passengers and crew floating adrift in the pirate-infested Indian Ocean.
The Costa Allegra was reportedly on its way to the Seychelles, a nation of islands and atolls, from Madagascar, when the fire broke out. The cruise liner is now floating off the coast of Tanzania amid reported five-foot waves and in a region infamously known as a haven for Somali pirates.
The Italian coast guard has said that anti-piracy military personnel aboard were armed and ready for an attack.
Rico says he doesn't know for sure how you say 'clusterfuck' in Italian (though gruppo di cazzo is the best that Google Translation can do), but this is starting to look like one...

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