31 January 2012

A good question

The New York Times has an editorial entitled What Is It About Mormons?
Heading into the Florida primary, Mitt Romney appears to be in the lead. The candidate, whose results so far have been mixed, continues to be stymied by suspicions about his religion. But why are so many Americans uncomfortable with Mormonism? A recent Pew survey found that Mormons are hard-working and civic-minded. Couldn’t the nation use some Mormon discipline: frugality, morality, self-improvement, worldliness? Indeed, with these traits, shouldn’t Americans be dying to vote for a Mormon?
There's a lengthy, multi-part discussion of the issue here.

Rico says that, even knowing a few, he has nothing (much) against Mormons, he just doesn't like their belief structure, and doesn't particularly want one as President...

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