20 December 2011

Scam for the day

Rico says the bad English should have been a clue, but the failure of the (doubtless malware) file to load was the clincher; he'll flag it to the real BBB anyway:
Attn: Owner/Manager
Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to notify you that we have been filed a complaint (ID 53708609) from your customer related to their dealership with you.
Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to find the details on this question and let us know of your opinion as soon as possible.
We hope to hear from you very soon.

Nita Aracely
Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


  1. Anonymous20.12.11

    I own a busineess and received one of these messages by email today. I also had trouble loading the "report" or even getting through to the bbb by phone, so I googled Nita Aracely and saw your post. Is it a scam? Thanks!

  2. Itesha20.12.11

    I do not own a business and also received this email today. I tried opening the link and nothing happened. Page just continued to say "loading". I googled the name of the "dispute counselor" and saw this site that it was a scam.

  3. Anonymous20.12.11

    I dont own a business either and my wife and I have seperate computers and we both got the same email... Its Totally a scam, I just told the wife to just delete it and to NOT!!! click on the link as it send you to a site that will indicate that its downloading but really its in fact uploading Malware to your computer... if you do banking on your PC and you have already clicked on that link, Run a scan on your PC with a good Malware Removal Program... If you use a Torrenting program go to www.torrent-finder.info , once you get there click left click and hold on the BT Junkie rectangular icon and drag it to the top left corner of the torrent block list... doing that will allow BT Junkie to open by default... Now type the name of this program in the search location: PC Tools Spyware Doctor 2011 Once you do that hit enter.... once you get it install with the key provided. if you are having problems with it you can Google that program name but make sure that you put ".torrent" after the file name, Minus the quotations(" ") it will look like this>> PC Tools Spyware Doctor 2011

    Just copy that and Google it, Im very sure you will find what your looking for... Good Luck in your Search.
    ToneMan Tony


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.