30 November 2011

Scam for the day

My name is Viktor Kuznetsov, I am an External Financial Auditor; I was invited by the United Nation Financial Committee (UNFC) to audit Helima Security Storage company in Baghdad, Iraq. During my investigation I discovered that in 2004, two US soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division deposited a box from an unknown top Saddam Hussein aide with the company during the war. Both soldiers died in an acting service, since then no one has come forward for the box. This box contains $13.2 million USD (Thirteen Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).
Due to my position in the investigation, I was able to track down the deposit made by the dead soldiers to an Affiliate Security Firm (Information Withheld) and the content inside the box was not declared to the Security Firm as the content were declared to be a family treasure kept for security reasons. Right now as I speak, the box of money can be delivered to any designation of your choice.
As a UNFC Audit agent, I cannot lay claim to this box but I can instruct that the box be delivered to you as the original depositor/owner intended by providing you the necessary information's and document needed for claims.
I will give you more details and what to do if you are interested in my proposal, I am ready to go 50/50 sharing ratio with you on the receipt of your consent. Anxiously anticipating your prompt and affirmative response through this email: dhs.audit@blumail.org

Yours sincerely,
Viktor Kuznetsov
External Auditor (UNFC)

Rico says there's no such agency, no such box, and no money. You have been warned...

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